- March 30, 2022
- Posted by: Masters
- Category: News

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Future Developments Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.
Development Ref: FDHL/M&S/08/22/0461 Dated: 30 March 2022
Alhamdulillah, by the Grace of Almighty Allah. we are pleased to announce the balloting of Harmony Park, Harmony Park Overseas and Overseas Prime Block. Balloting event will be held on 30. May 2022 In sha Allah and results will be published on our official website www.smarteitypk.com. Terms and conditions for eligibility are appended below:
Overseas Prime Block:
1. Customers must pay their all remaining dues till 20′” April 2022 or 50% payment, whichever is higher to be eligible for balloting. All payments must be made on or before 20. April 2022.
2. All transferred files of Overseas Prime Block must pay 50% payment to be eligible for balloting by 20. April 2022.
3. All members who have already paid 100%, 50% and 40% upfront payment will be given the opportunity to choose the location on map without going into balloting. However, they must pay their remaining dues by 20. April 2022 to be entitled to choose the location. Location Selection will start from 9. May 2022.
4. Members who wish to avail the opportunity for selection on map, they must pay their 25% lump sum amount (undue amount) of the plot value. This amount is over and above of due payments and for transferred files over and above 50% payment & due payments.
Harmony Park Overseas and Harmony Park Block
(Residential & Commercial Plots only):
1. Customers must pay their all remaining dues till 20. April 2022 or 50% payment, whichever is higher to be eligible for balloting. All payments must be made on or before 20. April 2022.
2. All transferred files of both blocks must pay 50% payment to be eligible for balloting by 20. April 2022.
3. For both blocks, all members who have paid 100%,50% or 25% upfront also eligible for plot selection. However, they must pay their remaining dues by 20. April 2022 to be entitled to choose the location. Location Selection will start from 9. May 2022.
4. Members who wish to avail the opportunity for selection on map, they must pay their 25% lump sum amount (undue amount) of the plot value. This amount is over and above of due payments and for transferred files over and above 50% payment & due payments.
Company will start issuance of an Acknowledgement Receipts confirming that you will be eligible for the balloting from Ord April 2022. It is member’s responsibility to obtain acknowledgement receipts after payment.
Members who booked plots on 100%, 50% 40% and 25% upfront payment are highly advised to immediately obtain acknowledgement receipts. Members will be notified to choose the location on 9. May 2022 respectively. Selection will be on first come first serve basis.
No Extension will be given in the clearance of dues, issuance of Acknowledgement receipts and Location Selection because of strict time line. All Payments must be made in online deposit, Pay order or Cash.
Customer Support center is available 24/7 in case of any assistance or clarification.
Thank You