Capital Smart City Discount Policy 2023

Whether you are buying something from a shop or investing in the real estate industry, the discount is something that makes everyone happy. Now the question arises, whether you can get a discount in the real estate sector or not. The answer to this is “Yes.”

Well, we didn’t know about any other project but Capital Smart City is offering discounts to their investors and clients. Allow us to tell you that recently the management has announced the new Capital Smart City discount policy. The policy is valid from 21 August to 16th August 2023. So, don’t miss out on the opportunity and enjoy the perks offered by FDHL and HRL.

What is the Discount Bracket Offered by the CSC Management on Outstanding Installment?

Whether you are an owner of residential or commercial plots, the society is offering a 3% discount on every outstanding or due installment. This discount policy which is offered by the management of the CSC ensures people that they can make adjustable and quick payments to secure their plots in the society.

A due is a payment that the investors are eligible to pay to the society within a decided timeframe. But in case the investors have paid off payment then they are eligible for getting a 3% rebate on that outstanding installment before 16th September,2023.

What is the Discount Bracket Offered by the CSC Management on Advanced Installment?

One of the brightest news about the Lahore Smart City payment plan is that the management is offering discounts on payments which are falling under the context of pre-installment. That is why a good piece of advice for investors is to secure payments before the installment date or take advance payments.

This step where the developers offer discounts on the advanced payment is a way for them to ensure the people, especially the residents are securing investment despite the country facing political instability. This discount policy is especially beneficial for the middle-class group in Pakistan.

What is the Discount Limit for Installments?

The members of the society have access to a 6% discount on a maximum of 3 installments. And trust us when we say this. This 6% discount makes all the difference in the world. This way the people have access to a financially stable model. Customers can enjoy discounts on commercial and residential plots with the help of the Capital Smart City concession policy.

What is the Discount Policy on Merging Properties?

People who have merged the properties are not eligible for the Capital Smart City discount policy because the management is not offering them any sort of convenience under this act at this current moment.

Merging properties means that the owners of different plots have thought of collecting their different properties under one owner.

What is the Discount Policy on New Plots?

The discount policy is pretty much intact for the new plot bookings. The total discount in these conditions is divided into two different categories, the current discount bracket is 7% on a 50% down payment.

The Bottom Line!

The aforementioned context provides a detailed insight into the discount policy related to CSC under different narratives. Make sure to pay attention to the blog.

Author: Masters
The Masters Real Estate is one of the Best Real Estate Investment Company in Pakistan. We are Official Sales Partner of Lahore Smart City and Capital Smart City.

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